Meet Our Expert Emergency Consultants

Optima EP prepares your organization to deal with a wide variety of scenarios. Our consultants have deep experience helping organizations prepare for, respond to, and recover from emergencies.

Our emergency management staff brings decades of real-world experience to aid in the preparedness of your organization.

Brian Kaczmarski

Brian Kaczmarski

Brian Kaczmarski is in his 16th year in the world of public health and currently serves as the Wisconsin Statewide HERC Coordinator. His past roles have included being a two-time public health accreditation coordinator, Director of the Western Wisconsin Public Health Readiness Consortium (WWPHRC), the Wisconsin Department of Health Services Statewide Training and Exercise Coordinator, and a Public Health Director/Health Officer for a Level III Health Department. Prior to entering the field of public health, Brian was a secondary school educator.

Contact Brian

or 715-293-3492

Aimee Wollman Nesseth

Aimee Wollman Nesseth
MDiv, MS

Aimee Wollman Nesseth is in her 7th year as Program Coordinator for the Northwest WI Healthcare Emergency Readiness Coalition (NWWIHERC). Her interest in Emergency Preparedness came out of her work and service with the Spiritual Disaster Response team of the American Red Cross, as the Coordinator for the Chippewa Valley Emergency Support Services Critical Incident Stress Management team, and as one of the Eau Claire Fire Department Chaplains. Aimee has 26 years of experience in ministry and served as a Board- Certified Professional Chaplain in the Critical Care and Emergency Department settings in both Eau Claire, WI and St. Paul, MN. She has a master’s degree in Leadership with an emphasis on Crisis Management and Emergency Preparedness.

Contact Aimee

or 715-379-6664