Emergency Planning for Camps

When kids go to camp, the expectation is they will be safe. How prepared is your staff for the unexpected? Is your staff trained for emergencies that require reunification, media attention, and interaction with response agencies?

Train your staff with a hands-on, interactive practice session they won't soon forget!

American Camp Association Standards

Training Offerings for Camps

Family Assistance Center & Reunification

When major incidents or disasters happen, loved ones can get separated from each other. Unfortunately, when fatalities occur, positive identifications need to be made so that families can be notified and reunited with their loved ones to start the process of honoring, healing, and recovery.

Family assistance and reunification centers follow a standardized process under the National Incident Management System (NIMS) to ensure that this process runs smoothly and efficiently, minimizes error, and provides optimum liability protection under local, regional, state, and federal emergency declarations. Optima EP provides didactic training as well as exercises to ensure your agency or jurisdiction understands the functions of this important emergency response resource.

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Emergency Operations Plan Development or Review

If your agency or organization is struggling to find the time or resources to develop, write, or revise your Emergency Operations Plans, we are here to assist! We will meet with you to provide a localized plan that works! 

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